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Patients we work with

Specific areas of illness we address.

  • Hypertension and cardiovascular illnesses.

  • Diabetes 1 and 2.

  • Persistent health conditions after exposure to Covid-19.

  • Obesity

  • Cancer and other chronic illnesses.

  • Mental illness

  • Arthritis

  • Kidney disease.

  • Alzheihmer's.

  • Chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and lung diseases.


Medically Fragile

Needs individualized healthcare attention due to:

  • Unstable diagnosed diabetes

  • Dialysis treatment and health education

  • Work related injuries and disabilities 

  • Hypertension, obesity and severe cardiovascular conditions

  • Diseases related to chemical and sun exposure

  • Depression, anxiety, and drug use.

  • Consequences and complications post Covid-19 exposure

Medically Complex or Chronic

Requires daily treatments and/or a healthcare emergency action plan due to:

  • Untreated diabetes type 1 or 2 that are partially treated. 

  • Dialysis treatment and health education

  • Hypertension and cardiovascular conditions.

  • Diseases related to chemical and sun exposure

  • Depression, anxiety, and drug use        because of pandemic conditions.

  • Consequences and complications          post Covid-19 exposure

  • Different types of cancer

  • Types of asthma

  • (ADD) / (ADHD) Attention Deficit (with Hyperactivity)

  • Autism, down syndrome, and/or mental retardation

  • Learning disabilities and other neurological disorders

No/minimal occasional healthcare concerns

Residents' physical and/or social-emotional condition is stable, and they see a nurse or doctor only once a year for screening and occasionally as needed. 

  • Hypertension, cardiovascular conditions 

  • Diabetes 

  • Yearly health check-ups

Nursing Dependent

Requires a 24-hours/day attention and is dependent on technological devices for breathing due to:


  • Hypertension and other cardiovascular conditions

  • Coronary heart diseases

  • Diabetes

  • Arthritis

  • Chronic kidney diseases

  • Alzheimer

  • Chronic bronchitis/emphysema

  • Depression, anxiety, and drug use

  • Consequences and complications post Covid-19 exposure

Benefits from Alivio-Telehealth to the community


  • Reaching the underserved population.

  • Decreasing social, language and economical barriers. 

  • Offering medical and mental health providers.

  • Eliminating lack of transportation and health insurance

  • Decreasing virus transmission (COVID-19) with the implementation of remote patient monitoring services.

  • Reduce time spent on periodic face-to-face medical check-ups by using telehealth clinics.

  • Continuous communication between physicians and patients.

  • Continuous follow-up with patient alerts and notifications. 

  • Monitoring of chronic diseases at high risk if exposed to the pandemic.

  • Keeping potentially infected patients in a safe environment.

What are the benefits for Alivio-Telehealth’s patients?

Decreasing COVID-19 transmission


  • Implementing Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) services

  • Reducing regular patient checks and moving to stationary virtual clinics

  • Helping patients get care over disease from home

  • Self tracking vital signs and health problems remotely

  • Using wireless medical devices to read vital signs

  • Continuous communication to clinicians

  • Activation of alerts and notification functions into patient’s care plans

  • Helping to provide routine care for patients with chronic diseases

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